Thursday, June 20, 2013

All about my man!

All about my man....

1. What is he doing? He is currently at work! probably showing customers the best tv to buy!
2. What dressing does he get on his salad? He isn't a huge fan of salad, but when he does have it he has just ranch dressing.:)
3. What's one food he doesn't like? He HATES pickles, and he hates olives. crazy guy.
4. What does he say his first impression of you was? He remembers me from when i was only 10 years old, but he claims he always thought i was cute!
5. Drink he orders every time you are out? either coke or dr pepper. his number one choice would be mtn dew baja blast, but that only comes from taco bell of course!
6. Where did he go to high school? CMR high school in Great Falls, Montana
7. What size shoe does he wear? 11
8. If he was to collect anything what would it be? flat bill hats.. he can never have too many of them!
9. What is his favorite type of sandwich? He likes a regular peanut butter and jelly with a tall glass of milk!
10. What would he eat every day if he could? Mac'ncheese, He is seriously addicted...
11. What is his favorite cereal? Chocolate frosted flakes, no doubt.
12. What would he never wear? He will never wear tight pants.
13. What is his favorite sports team? BYU I'm sure of it!
14. Who did he vote for? Romney...duh
15. Who is his best friend?  Me of course! And probably his roommates from college.. Dallin, Greg and Jake
16. How did he meet you? I was buddies with his little brother M
att when we were younger.
17. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Text him when I am mad instead of calling :)
18. How many states has he lived in? Born and raised in Montana, now in Utah! Served his mission in Stockholm, Sweden
19. What is his heritage? German?
20. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what would it be? He would prefer his mom's cake to be honest..haha
21. Did he play sports in high school? Marching band! he played the drums
22. What could he spend hours doing? Playing his guitar
23 . What's something cool about him? He is the sweetest man I  know. He cares for his family and loves me with all his heart. I am soooo lucky to have him!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A few more pictures from this summer so far! Some happy, some sad. Dean and I (Garrett's dad) share a birthday! we all went to pizza pie cafe.. i was the big 19 and he was the big 50! That makes him 31 years older! ;) We also had a funeral to attend.. Garrett's grandpa Karl passed away, he will be missed. The four brothers and their dad sang a beautiful song at the graveside.. "Be still my Soul" They are all so talented! Can't wait for more great summer memories!

Monday, June 17, 2013

"Blogging" Is new to us...

 I thought that a blog would be fun to start and have one day to share with family, children, grandchildren, and so on. Garrett and I, Sammy, have been married for four months now! And we love being married.. (I guess I should only speak for myself;)) We love spending time together, no matter what it is. We like movies, netflix, walks, popcorn, Applebees, family, games, and laughing. Garrett and I are both working at Wal-Mart! On a good day, our lunch breaks will overlap and we can enjoy each other's company in the break room. As of right now, we are enjoying our summer and Garrett loves having a break from school. He recently declared his major in Information Technology, I am so proud of him. He really looks up to his brother Josh, who has earned his degree in Information Technology and will hopefully be able to help him out this next semester. This summer we have been enjoying the sunshine, going to lagoon with our season passes, having family dinners, going up the canyon, and in just a short week heading up to Boise to go camping with my family! We are mostly really busy with work, but when we get time off together we treasure it and enjoy it. This picture is from when we went to Park City for my birthday. We had an amazing time relaxing in the hot tubs and letting the waterfalls give us a massage! Another post to come soon! With love, Sammy and Garrett