I'm back with a new blog post! So, Garrett applied for the job as a computer support technician on BYU campus, and he got it! We are so happy. It is right up his alley as an I.T. major, and he really enjoys going to work. It's a pay raise, too! Yipee. He has already made some friends working there and he learns new things about computers every day. He is still doing awesome in school, and he aced his first math test with 100%!
Besides the excitement of the new job, we have just been doing the usual! I have been making lots of home decor and crafts in my spare time, and I really enjoy it. It keeps me busy when Garrett is at school and plus my apartment looks cute! I was also given a calling as a visiting teaching supervisor in our ward. It is a pretty simple calling which I am grateful for! The sisters in our ward are extremely nice and I always look forward to relief society.
I am so grateful for general conference this past weekend! One of my favorite talks was by elder Holland, he spoke about mental illnesses and depression. He put it all into perspective. Being far away from my family has been extremely hard for me, I won't lie! I have had my fair share of lonely days, and this adjustment to married life has been somewhat of a challenge. I get depressed pretty easily and it can be very hard for me to remain positive. I am grateful that Elder Holland is aware of our struggles, and that he can let us know through the promptings of the spirit that he feels that God's love is ALWAYS there. It is such a blessing to have leaders in our church who know of our needs, and can testify that through the gospel we can be healed. I am also extremely grateful for the temple. Garrett and I love going and doing a session and feeling the peace that is there. My relationship with my Father in Heaven truly has grown as I have turned to him in my times of need and trusted that he DOES have a plan for me, and he is watching over me.
Any way, I have a few fun pictures to share! I hope you all have a great day! Love you all!
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Made a fall wreath. Thinking of painting the letter yellow. What do you think??? |
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That slide was seriously awesome! hahaha |
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I love decorating! |
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Watching conference in our PJS! |
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I Got my hair done. I missed the blonde sooo much, so I had to add some highlights! I love it. |
I love my hubby! |
My "give thanks" sign I made. I made one for my mom too! |
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I made this "family" sign for mommy Chris! |
Made these fun pumpkins out of cans, super easy and fun |