I am so behind on my blogging! So, this may be a long post. I have just been slacking and have fallen behind! Anyways...
Thanksgiving was fun! We spent it with Garrett's mom and dad at our Aunt Lynda's house. Mom Chris made the most delicious yams.. which has always been my favorite part of thanksgiving meal. After our turkey coma's, we went and did black Friday shopping. Garrett has always loved it, so we had to go. We got a new vacuum for like $40 at wal-mart.. and I got a cheap sewing machine.
Christmas we spent in Boise.. it was fun! We flew there on Christmas eve. It hadn't been snowing all day in either place, but once we got on the plane it turned into a complete blizzard! I get anxiety on planes as it is, so this was a bit terrifying for me. but we made it out alive! The drive from the airport to my parents house was worse then the plane ride. We had a really delicious dinner when we got there. We did our regular "Christmas eve traditions" .. pajamas and a movie to watch. We also had Uncle Danny's family over and did secret santa with them. The weekend before we went to Boise we opened our secret santa's from garrett's side of the family. Garrett got a signed byu football from his uncle Chris. It was a really thoughtful gift and I could tell Garrett really loved it! I got a family recipe book and ingredients for the recipes from mom Chris. This is by far the most used gift we got for Christmas! It has recipes from my parents, Gar's parents and from siblings. I absolutely love it! It is my go to book when I have no idea what to make for dinner. That night with Gar's family we also spent some time singing Christmas songs around the piano. Just being together was the best! I am so grateful for music. Christmas morning we woke up around 9 .. haha! We got some awesome gifts. Floor mats, new pots and pans, clothes, gift cards.. We are spoiled.
For New Years we spent at Garrett's mom and dads.. We had cheesecake and apple cider and watched the ball drop.. very fun!
February we celebrated our two year anniversary! It is crazy how fast the time went. I am so grateful for Garrett.. he is patient and loving, and never gives up on me. I don't know how I got so lucky!! We took a road trip to Phoenix and got to visit Kevin and Annie. It was so much fun! We had a good time. Went mini golfing, got pedicures (Annie and I :)) and went to Cheesecake factory for dinner. We didn't want to leave! We hope to make it back down there sometime this summer.
Anyway.. Garrett recently got a new job! We are very grateful that he got it. He works at a company called Imagine Learning doing tech support. He says he hates leaving work.. so that's a good sign! I am really happy it worked out for him. I hit my one year mark at my job at the Dr.'s office. I have a great boss! I can't believe it's been a year already! The days go by slow, but the years go by fast. We are both very fortunate to have such great employment and to work with such great people.
My brother Josh seems to be doing really well on his mission! He is coming up on his 8 month mark.. I can't believe it! He is a great example to our family. We really miss him but we know he is where he is supposed to be.
"Kundis Cake" for Gar's birthday |
We are looking forward to the summertime.. we are planning a few fun trips with family. We got a grill and Garrett loves making burgers and stuff! He is a great cook.. gets that from his mom. I am also very excited that my cousin Makalie lives with my aunt now, I love having someone close to my age to do things with and talk with! We have been doing zumba which has been really fun.
Here's a few pictures from the last few months!
Thanksgiving time |
I don't mean to brag but.. these pecan bars were delicious |
Christmas eve dinner..delicious |
Byu Game |
Our Christmas present |
We made chocolate covered pretzels for friends and family |
<3 |

Aunt and Uncle enjoyed a root beer float with Landon |
Papparazzi. |
Our New bedroom |
It's root beer and chinese.. |
Funny Scott |
Gar caught a fish fishing with my dad and Scott |
The Zoo with the Wagner's |