ANYWAYS, We were able to celebrate our anniversary feeling much better! We went to the Hale Center theater for the production of Les Mis. It was absolutely amazing! The music was flawless, and since the theater is in a round arena you are able to sit closer and really see the characters faces. I was so happy we decided to go! After the show, we went by the hampton inn downtown salt lake city to drop off our stuff as we were going to be sleeping there. We had the jetted tub suite. It was a really nice room! After that we headed off to dinner at the melting pot. My sweet husband had arranged for there to be sparkling juice and three roses set up at our table just for me. I felt extremely spoiled! The food was absolutely amazing! My favorite part was the lobster tail. You cook all your own food in a pot of delicious broth. We were stuffed by the time we had finished! The meal was quite expensive, well, really expensive. But luckily we were given gift cards from my parents and Gar's parents to help cover the costs. It was definitely worth it though! The next morning we got to sleep in and relax, we had continental breakfast and enjoyed our morning. Overall it was an awesome getaway! Here are the pictures!
As I look back on our first year of being married, I see how much we have each grown individually as well as a couple. I fell in love with Garrett, on our very first date. People say we moved too fast, but I disagree! I loved him from day one, without a doubt in my mind. I did go in to marriage thinking it was going to be a breeze though, and that I was wrong about. We have had disagreements, like all couples, and I have had quite a few meltdowns! But what I am grateful for is being able to learn from these experiences and handle the next disagreement better. I Thank my Heavenly Father every day for giving me such a patient husband. I know that the Savior knew I needed a man like him! I am very blessed, more blessed then I deserve. But I cannot wait to have a family with Garrett, and I can't wait to grow old with him, and watch our children grow and be able to be an example to them. Thanks for reading. love you all!

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