Monday, February 29, 2016

Keaton's Birth Story

Sorry it took me so long to post, my life has been turned upside down! I thought I would share baby boy's birth story.

I started having contractions at around 2 am. The days leading up to it I had contractions off and on, but these were consistent and getting stronger. Garrett kind of thought they were just my usual off and on contractions, so he tried to sleep.  But I was like ok these are real, get your butt up! We got to the hospital at about 4. They day before I was dilated to a 2, and when we got there I was a 4 1/2! And the contractions were about 3 minutes apart. Luckily my dr was actually at the hospital doing her rounds, so she came into my room and told the nurse I was good to get my epidural, and she would be back in a few hours to break my water.

The epidural was my biggest fear leading up to birth. I was so scared I would move while he was putting it in and be paralyzed for life. But Garrett was the greatest support system and reassured me it was ok. It turns out, getting the IV was worse then the epidural by far! They had to poke me 4 times before they got a vein. The IV hurt the entire time. I hated it! Sometime between 9 and 11, my dr came and broke my water. By about 12:30, I was fully dilated and it was time to push. I didn't think I would have to push for too terribly long, but boy was I wrong about that. I pushed and pushed and pushed for a total of 2 1/2 hours. My dr told me I would have a very sore tailbone for about 6 weeks, because my tailbone and pelvic bone were pushing together, and the baby was having trouble getting past it. I remember at around 2:15 I asked how much longer I would have to push. She said.. I would say by 3 you will have a baby! I was like....uhhhh what the crap?!!! I can't do this for 45 more minutes!!! But somehow, I did. At about 2:55, my dr finally offered to use a vacuum to help get him further down. He was still stuck behind my pelvic bone. I was desperate and told her to do what she needed to do to get that baby out. She put the vacuum on his little head, I pushed and he came way down! She had me stop pushing for a minute because the cord was wrapped around his neck twice, so she cut it before I pushed again. and ONE PUSH LATER my baby was out! I was like, we should have used that vacuum a long time ago!! I was in complete shock and I was completely exhausted, but they handed me my baby and time froze. I have never been happier then I was in that moment! My bright eyed boy was all mine. They took him over to clean him off and I looked at Garrett and his eyes were filled with tears and he turned to me and said "he is perfect" my family was complete! My Dr was stitching me up and i felt all of it (Miserable) but I was so happy I didn't care. I was so glad I got to have Garrett and my two moms in the room with me. They were my strength. They encouraged me the entire time I was pushing and assured me everything would be ok.

The recovery days were rough.. My tailbone was so sore, getting out of bed was the most painful thing ever. It took about 3 days before I could get up without Garrett's help. I took one pain med the day I delivered and it made me sick so the rest of the time I only took ibuprofen. I'm so grateful that Garrett was there to take care of me and Keaton. He was so strong for us. I love him more now then I ever thought possible, he is he best dad and the best husband. I will be eternally grateful for his strength!

Well, there ya have it.. My birth story. I can't believe he is already 5 weeks old! Someone stop the clock.